Dr Julien Faugeras > Actualités > Treating lack of self-confidence through psychotherapy in Paris 9

Treating lack of self-confidence through psychotherapy in Paris 9

In Paris or elsewhere, treating lack of self-confidence requires discovering the unconscious causes from which it originates. Thanks to the method of free associations, psychotherapy will make it possible to discover these latent causes which maintain, sometimes since childhood, the lack of self-confidence.

Often minimised, considered as a character trait or as a form of modesty, lack of self-confidence is regularly trivialised. Regularly opposed to arrogance or excess confidence, lack of self-confidence is sometimes justified as a form of humility.

However, lack of self-confidence is neither a value nor a character trait, it is a psychological symptom which testifies to an inner malaise which is sometimes present since childhood. It is therefore a question of considering this discomfort in order to be able to treat it thanks to psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy will make it possible to treat the discomfort that results from a lack of self-confidence.

As long as we do not minimise this pathological tendency to doubt, we can realise that a lack of self-confidence can have serious consequences for those who suffer from it, both in their professional life and in their love life. Often linked to devaluation in the form of a lack of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence can push a being to literally miss out on their existence and their desire.

By excessively doubting oneself and one's abilities, by being inhibited in situations that require self-confidence or by constantly postponing the moment to act, both professionally and emotionally, lack of self- confidence can become particularly disabling.

Regularly associated with a tendency to particularly pronounced judgement, a form of exacerbated susceptibility or a tendency to think too much and ruminate, lack of self-confidence is very often characteristic of obsessive neurosis.

If the latter is represented in particular through a compulsive tendency to doubt, it is neither a defect nor a fatality. As we developed in our article... Obsessive neurosis can be treated, in Paris or elsewhere, thanks to psychotherapy.

But regardless of the structural diagnosis in which the lack of self-confidence is logically ordered, whether it is linked to obsessive neurosis, hysterical neurosis or another psychological structure, it is a question of realising that There is neither a character trait that is transmitted hereditarily, nor a defect that must be hidden and which is a matter of destiny or fate.


Thus, lack of self -confidence is the mark of an intrapsychic conflict which can be treated within the framework of psychotherapy, in Paris or elsewhere.

If you would like to know more about treating lack of self-confidence through psychotherapy or if you would like to treat lack of self-confidence, whether you are in Paris or elsewhere, do not hesitate to contact me.

Psychologist to treat lack of self-confidence in Paris Faubourg-Montmartre Treating lack of self-confidence through psychotherapy in Paris 9

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