Dr Julien Faugeras > Actualités > Find a psychologist for infertility in Paris

Find a psychologist for infertility in Paris

Saying that a psychologist specialises in the treatment of infertility raises a number of questions.

As much as there are areas of activity where specialisation is particularly important, the specialisation of psychotherapy according to the pathology is less obvious: because from infertility to bodily symptoms including psychological symptoms such as depression or obsessions, the operating field of psychotherapy is particularly vast and it is not possible to specialise in a problem without dealing with other difficulties. For example, by treating the problem of infertility , psychotherapy can treat at the same time disorders of sexual desire, a lack of self-confidence, couple problems, irritability, etc.

Also, if it is difficult to speak of a psychologist specialised in the treatment of infertility, the fact remains that psychotherapy has concrete effects for the treatment of infertility. Indeed, most psychoanalysts, regardless of whether they are psychologists or psychiatrists by training, have been able to notice very clearly the positive effects of the free association method on the treatment of infertility.

The effects of psychotherapy on infertility are therefore particularly encouraging, both for patients for whom this problem often causes a great deal of suffering and for the development of medicine in the 21st century.

From the positive influence of psychotherapy on the response to certain drug treatment to its effects on most so-called functional diseases, current research on the effects of psychotherapy on bodily and organic symptoms opens very encouraging perspectives.

Admittedly, the influence of the mind on the body is not new, but the discovery a century ago of the psychotherapeutic method of free associations has given it an unprecedented clinical and scientific consistency. Also, if it will take some time to take the measure of the implications of this discovery, we are certainly on the verge of a new form of management of human symptoms in which doctors, specialists in the body, will be able to work hand in hand with psychoanalysts.

Thus, finding a psychologist for infertility, in Paris or elsewhere, means finding a psychologist who is trained in the free association method. You will find on the site of the Network for Psychoanalysis in the Hospital a list of clinicians who have the habit of working in partnership with doctors, for the treatment of infertility or for other pathologies. If you want to find a psychologist in Paris 9 , you can contact me directly or make an appointment on Doctolib.

Psychologist to treat infertility in Paris 9 Find a psychologist for infertility in Paris

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