If the term unhealthy shyness highlights the suffering that shyness causes on a daily basis, it can also be misleading when it becomes an isolated diagnosis, a sort of portmanteau word which is sufficient in itself and which veils the real causes of this shyness.

Why am I shy?

However, shyness is not a disease that can be caught like a virus, it is not a character trait determined by genetics and it is not a divine curse either, it is a form of psychic inhibition which has crystallised, sometimes since childhood.

In other words, pathological shyness is not a disease itself, it is a psychic symptom which is anchored in the personality of the being.

Overcoming shyness with a psychologist

Also, if shyness is not a disease that results from fate, it is possible to overcome one's pathological shyness through psychotherapy, in Paris or elsewhere: in the same way that inhibition has set in and knotted in the psyche, sometimes since childhood or adolescence, it is possible to unravel it by working on the psyche.

To do this, psychotherapy proceeds through the method of free associations: it is by speaking during the session each of the thoughts that cross the mind, from the most innocuous to the most shameful, that the patient will gradually unravel the inhibitions which prevent him from moving forward.

From the tendency to avoid conflict to the impossibility of asserting one's position, from guilt to ruminations, from perpetual self-judgement to devaluation or even from perfectionism to overwhelm, psychotherapy will make it possible to unveil and resolve a set of difficulties which are linked to a certain mode of operation.

By articulating these different difficulties and thus discovering what binds them together, psychotherapy allows you to gradually get rid of a defensive functioning that monopolises too much energy. Like a shield that protects one from the world but which ends up preventing one from living, the method of free associations allows one to unburden oneself and build a new relationship with oneself and others.

To summarise, by discovering the causes of unhealthy shyness, psychotherapy makes it possible to eliminate the psychological barriers that weigh down life and affect professional, friendly and sentimental relationships.


So, if you want to know more about how the free association method works, if you want to overcome your unhealthy shyness by doing psychotherapy in Paris 9 or if you are not in the Paris region and you want to do psychotherapy through telephone, do not hesitate to contact me directly at 0144790001.

Psychologist to overcome sickly shyness and gain self-confidence Psychology and unhealthy shyness

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