Few dare to talk about chronic constipation and its disadvantages and lift the taboo. Only the internet allows you to express yourself freely and do research to find a solution (sometimes faced with a risk of intestinal obstruction). To treat constipation naturally, the results talk about diet, food supplements, homoeopathic solutions, grandmother's remedies, the use of laxatives or even any recourse to alternative medicine, massages of the anus with oil of olive or glycerin suppositories. These solutions are all more creative than the others but their effectiveness is never assured. When they work, how long does it last? What makes it possible to shed light on the causes of an impossible cure by these means, is by considering that it is not a question of real solutions which treat the cause of the problem but of means of lessening the discomfort that the constipation causes.
The taboo is a phylogenetic inheritance, Sigmund Freud presents it in his fundamental text Totem and Taboo in 1913. The taboo is what is considered sacred and impure. The ban on discussing the taboo has its source in its sacred, powerful and dangerous nature.
There are a thousand and one taboos around the saddle, constipation and related disorders. Whether the sufferer is forced to go to the toilet several times a day or only goes once or twice a week, in both cases, always with apprehension. Why is the symptom of constipation so taboo that no one dares to talk to their family doctor about it?
When there are no possibilities to treat constipation, when the solutions have no effect except the appeasement of the pain it causes, it is the cause of the problem of constipation itself that it must be found.
How to treat constipation and stop suffering from it, or put an end to its consequences in private, social and professional life?
Starting psychotherapy to treat a symptom, whether bodily or organic in nature, does not replace medical advice to establish the need for medical follow-up. This support is aimed at the organisation. Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis are interested in the psychological life of the suffering subject. Thus, starting psychotherapy or psychoanalysis does not replace or exclude medical treatment. The introspective work of the treatment addresses the psyche of the subject, the place from which and towards which the subject asks his questions, thanks to the psychoanalytic device whose fundamental rule is free association.This rule invites the subject to freely associate his thoughts, his dreams and his body. This means that the body must be spoken in the treatment because it is the word which allows us to weave answers, to move towards a path to resolution of the symptom thanks to the discovery of a part of our unconscious.
Depending on the register in which these sensations fit, the meaning they take and the place this symptom takes in the subject's life, constipation can be experienced as a painful, disabling and unpleasant symptom and as a shameful pleasure imbued with guilt.
When we talk about the inconvenience of constipation, we can link it to the notion of displeasure.On the other hand, there are dietary restrictions to avoid constipation, which means avoiding foods that give pleasure. But displeasure is not the only part of the sensations associated with the problem of constipation. Added to the efforts of pushing, a feeling of pleasure both by the pain it causes and by the deliverance that accompanies it. This pleasure is therefore partly conscious but that linked to the cause of the constipation, felt in this infinitely intimate place is often unconscious. It can nevertheless become so when the being wishes to discover a part of its truth, to treat its suffering in the intimacy of the cabinet of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis.
I invite you to make an appointment in my psychotherapy and psychoanalysis office in Paris 9 to find out more about methods to treat constipation permanently.
Psychologist to treat constipation and stress-related stomach aches How to cure constipation naturally?