Lack of self-confidence is often underestimated. It is considered as a personality trait, sometimes as a fatality, it is often trivialised under the term shyness.
However, the lack of self-confidence is a psychological symptom that can prove to be disabling for those who suffer from it. As a symptom, it is therefore the expression of an unresolved psychological conflict and if this means that it is not a question of underestimating it but on the contrary of taking it seriously, it also means that the lack of self-confidence is not inevitable.
Psychoanalysis to cure the lack of self-confidence
Indeed, the lack of self-confidence is treated by psychoanalysis, either by unravelling the
intrapsychic conflict that it represents.
In Paris or elsewhere, there are many conditioning techniques to try to enhance the image of oneself. But these systems of suggestions are not intended to cure the source of the lack of self-confidence . They consist in repeating or being repeated, to condition oneself, positive thoughts.
But if these strategies can have short-term narcissistic swelling effects, they nevertheless prove ineffective for those who wish to build lasting confidence: “negative” thoughts return, inexorably.
It is therefore advisable to meet a psychologist trained in psychoanalysis to treat the lack of self-confidence : without treating the inner conflict from which it arises through psychoanalysis, the lack of self-confidence cannot be truly resolved.
Whether it is linked to obsessive neurosis due to the compulsion to doubt or to another psychic structure, lack of self-confidence is the expression of unconscious conflicting tendencies which are resolved in psychoanalysis.
So, if you would like to know more about the treatment of lack of self-confidence through psychoanalysis with a psychologist or if you feel ready to take the plunge to start psychotherapy in Paris 9, do not hesitate to contact me.
Psychologist to treat lack of self-confidence in Paris How to have self-confidence with a psychologist?