Whether it is expressed loudly, violently or, on the contrary, more discreetly, or hidden behind good intentions and good feelings, anger manifests itself in multiple ways. And if visible anger is not without causing damage, both for the being who expresses it openly and for those who suffer its consequences, it is perhaps when it is more veiled that it reveals itself more deleterious. Through the little pettiness of everyday life, this masked anger produces a sabotage, diffused on a daily basis, which discreetly destroys the relationship of the being to himself and to others.
Whether it is manifest or particularly veiled, anger generates mistreatment which is not without consequences: it can push a being to destroy himself, to mistreat his body (we are touching here on the root of self-destructive behaviour), but also, it is not without effects on family and friends.
Inner anger
Finally, the difficulty in treating this anger lies in the fact that it is not truly conscious. Someone who destroys themselves by smoking, drinking or overeating may well justify their self-destructive behaviour with many reasons. And it is the same for someone who sabotages the desire of the other by recurring delays, by procrastination or by withholding their pleasure.
Also, it is especially in relation to the suffering it causes that anyone who expresses their anger without realising it is led to meet a psychoanalyst. In Paris or elsewhere, psychoanalysis makes it possible to calm anger thanks to the method of free associations : if the patient or the psychoanalyst respects the contract of the treatment – which consists of saying each of his thoughts without censoring them – he will gradually access small to this anger that he didn't want to see and which expressed itself in spite of himself.
As the treatment progresses, the patient or psychoanalyst will look directly at this passion which has been brewing within him sometimes for decades, since his earliest childhood. Moreover, the excessive side of the expression of anger , whether manifest or latent, highlights the gap between the effect expressed in the present and the evils of the past.
Psychoanalysis to calm your anger
Thus, psychoanalysis aims to cure anger by confronting it and treating its roots. It allows anyone who wishes to get rid of this feeling that poisons their life and their relationship with others. Because by ceasing an internal war that he unknowingly wages against himself and against his own desire, the treatment of anger through psychoanalysis has virtuous consequences for the entire life and existence of the subject. Desire, work, sexuality, friendly or professional relationships... It is by treating anger within the framework of psychotherapy or psychoanalysis that we truly realise its destructive power.
So, if you are close to Paris 9 Gare du Nord and you would like to meet a psychoanalyst or if you would like to know more about treating anger through psychoanalysis, do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Psychologist to calm his anger in Paris 9
Psychoanalysis and anger